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Webinar: The Fatigue Limit of Rubber

July 24 @ 10:00 am - 12:00 pm

This two-hour webinar will introduce industry professionals to the concept of fatigue threshold in elastomers and how to use this material parameter to develop highly durable rubber products. A technical background is recommended. This webinar will cover:

General fatigue crack growth behavior of elastomers
– Power law response
– Tear strength
– Fatigue threshold (limit) / intrinsic strength

How to measure fatigue limit
– Lengthy fatigue crack growth measurements
– Tear strength of swollen samples or at high temperature
– Cutting method

Insights into developing a product to operate below the fatigue limit
– Interplay of part geometry, loading conditions, and material properties
– Importance of crack precursor size, as influenced by raw materials selection and mixing quality

Price: Free for Members / $149 Non-members


Instructor: Dr. William V. Mars, P.E., President of Endurica LLC

Bio: Dr. Will Mars is an international leader in the failure mechanics of rubber. He founded Endurica LLC in 2008 and, as president, leads the firms’ software, testing, consulting, and training services. Dr. Mars is the author of the Endurica fatigue life solver, the world’s most accurate, complete and scalable fatigue life simulation system for elastomers. His career focuses on applying experimental and computational mechanics in pursuit of better-performing rubber products. He has established several industry best practices during his three decades of experience in the rubber industry. Dr. Mars earned his Honors BSME with Polymer Specialization at the University of Akron, and his MS and Ph.D. degrees at the University of Toledo. He has received several awards for his scientific contributions and innovations including the 2022 Herzlich Medal for outstanding impact and innovation in the tire industry, the 2020 Tibbett’s Award from the Small Business Administration of the United States for excellence in commercialization of cutting-edge technologies, the 2017 Rubber Division, ACS Arnold Smith Special Service Award, the 2007 Sparks Thomas Award of Rubber Division, ACS and the 1999 Henry Fuchs Award of the SAE Fatigue Design & Evaluation committee. Dr. Mars served as the chief editor of Rubber Chemistry and Technology for 10 years and is a former editor of Tire Science and Technology as well. He has over 60 peer-reviewed scientific publications and four patents in the area of elastomer durability.


July 24
10:00 am - 12:00 pm
Event Category: